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Join date: May 16, 2022


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z3x smart card driver for windows 7 64 bit download Related queries List of memory card readers List of ZIP drives List of thumb drives List of USB ports List of Universal Serial Bus adapters Category:Electronics and the environmentQ: Rails: How to get all N objects with specific parameter value of property I'm trying to do a little app that checks if a set of work orders have had a service done at a given date. I've got the service date and the set of work orders in the params hash but can't seem to get my head around how to query/criteria the work orders. How can I get all work orders that have had the same service date? So far: def get_work_orders_for_service_date(work_order_id, service_date) work_order = WorkOrder.find(work_order_id) if work_order work_order.service_date == service_date #all of the work_orders that have been completed on this date end end Thanks A: def get_work_orders_for_service_date(work_order_id, service_date) work_order = WorkOrder.where("service_date =?", service_date) end or if you want the ids of the work orders as an array: def get_work_orders_for_service_date(work_order_id, service_date) work_order = WorkOrder.where("service_date =?", service_date) end It's a one-liner to get work orders that match the service date, and get the array of the work order ids. Q: Implementing KeyUp in Windows Phone I've been following the Navigation example in the MVVM Light tutorial, and I want to implement a search bar that's being sent user input through KeyUp and then processed when the search button is clicked, to return the model with the associated data. So far, I've got it working with two TextBoxes on the UI,

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@2020 Nutritional Energetics


Cathy has been a featured practitioner on the International Health Summits From Heartache to Joy and the Academy for the Soul.

She can be found working in and around her Wellness Resort in the Adirondack Mountains (aka The healing Woods).

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