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           Redefining the way we Nourish Ourselves

                                                                               Nourish Your  Multi- dimensional Body!


"Diet" is not JUST about what you eat - it's what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang around and what you watch.  They are all certain frequencies and energies.  And even on the physical level - it is just not about "diet" anymore...  Eat real food that supports the current state of the body.   Want to Learn more? 

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Empowering yourself will ultimately empower  
friends & family.


With all the changes in foods we need to redefine how we prepare food and what we have in our home. 


Your body changes daily, minute by minute depending on where you are and what you are doing and where you are on Earth. 


Conscious living plus "nourishment " that combines high nutrient density for the physical body and high vibe daily energetics - keeps your energy grid balanced and flowing ...

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learn simple ways to test your body systems

If you decide to become apart of my programs, you will join an awesome group of supportive souls.  


Connect with like-minded individuals that share your concerns & you will learn from various experts in their fields.



"Cathy is a one of a kind!


Her kind caring voice, her vast knowledge and organization, kindness and empathy to people is impeccable.


I truly enjoyed this last week as a participant in the week long intensive  where we received daily Lightwave balancing and so much more.


We learned a lot, we worked a lot, listened a lot and it all pays off. During this week, I learned so much about beliefs and what we put ourselves through just by how we think. I have to say that about 6 years ago I would always say that I was “fabulous”. That was my favorite word. Then it went away…BUT…It’s back! I am ready for anything.  I even did a few things I put off for “a long time” and got them done! ENERGY!


The Fear- Kidney water and program – Excellent! I knew I held a TON of fear in my body. It’s now leaving and cannot wait until it’s at a managed level or best yet gone! Fear is in everyone and it needs to be gone!  The classes/group calls were awesome. I learned multiple things in EVERY one of them.


You will be very pleased if you work with Cathy. And ask her about the “zipper”! We all have to zipper up! Giggles!   Keep up the FABULOUS work Cathy!"


You are appreciated!


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Curious about the Cooking Classes, Online Programs or 1:1 Energetics Sessions ?
 Contact me here to ask a question or to schedule a 15 minute consult.

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Your Greatest Self.


With so many areas and so much to explore in your body blueprint- you will discover more in yourself than you thought possible. More life, more energy, more fun!




YOUR LIFE with the 2 F's


with Food:


Learning to cook real foods in the traditional manner simplifies your life..

Get nourished with real foods, whatever preferences you have....


with Frequency:


Learn 9 different levels to be in charge of the frequencies and energies surrounding you through out the day...



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Cathy has so many areas to offer - schedule a chat to see where you fit in best.  I did!





Cathy is one of my "go-to" energists to check in with when I am working with various issues. She always assists with getting me on the right path when I get stuck.




Learn how much you really DO know and how much you CAN learn, whether in her cooking programs or learning food frequencies - it's fascinating!





Cathy shares some of the missing links in weight loss, food preparation and the physical and energy body.





Wow - Learn to nourish mind, body and soul and release the frequencies in the body that are not serving you for best health.




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@2020 Nutritional Energetics


Cathy has been a featured practitioner on the International Health Summits From Heartache to Joy and the Academy for the Soul.

She can be found working in and around her Wellness Resort in the Adirondack Mountains (aka The healing Woods).

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