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Draft Action Plan


I. Marketing/Packaging


A. 2 Target Initiatives:


1. Tourism: An “Adirondack Wellness Destination”

Packaging our individual resources

For greater marketing potential

2. Furthering our region as a “Healing Center”


B. Wellness Trail Map


II. Shoulder Season Retreats


A. Develop a replicable model beginning with “Healing Woods” this October


1. Visitor market

2. Targeted audiences such as veterans, care-giving, obesity, stress, etc.


III. Wellness Business Resource Network


A. Business marketing assistance


B. Shared resources


C. Networking forum


D. Web site as a member & visitor portal



Draft Key Goals:


1. Increase economic impact of wellness for the region and our organizations


2. Develop an energy for our region as a wellness destination


3. Foster collaborations among existing organizations


4. Be a new Adirondack economic model that integrates diverse industries to create healthier economies, new markets and sustainable businesses.




Next Steps


Form an ad hoc working group. We envision no more than 1 meeting a month and to correspond electronically whenever possible. The non-profit Adirondack Spirit has agreed to facilitate the initial stages of the “Adirondack Wellness Center without Walls initiative.”

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